Code of Conduct

The Company is committed to upholding the principles of good corporate governance, namely transparency, accountability, independency, and fairness in all its activities, as outlined in the Company’s Code of Conduct (COC). The Code of Conduct is a regulation established by the Company to institutionalize its values, which adhere to international standard, promote accountability and transparency, and ensure compliance with all applicable legal regulations and provisions.

The Company’s Code of Conduct is an integral component of the Company Regulations, that essentially, these provisions provide instructions for employees to:

  1. Enhance accountability, transparency, and adherence to applicable laws and regulations;
  2. Execute tasks with a high degree of professionalism and integrity;
  3. Reject the offering or provision of undue rewards, bribes, or kickbacks in any form or for any reason;
  4. Avoid engagements that may present conflicts of interest with job responsibilities;
  5. Safeguard Company information, both during and after tenure with the Company.

The Company’s Code of Conduct is obligatory for all employees and members of the organization, including the Board of Commissioners, Directors, and Management Team. Employees must read, comprehend, and adhere to the Company’s Code of Conduct, which constitutes an integral component of the Company Regulations. Additionally, employees must annually sign a commitment statement form. The implementation and enforcement of the Code of Conduct is the collective responsibility of all employees across all organizational levels. It underscores the Company’s commitment to upholding Good Corporate Governance principles in pursuit of its vision and mission.

In order to comply with POJK 33/2014, the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors have established respectively a “Board of Commissioners‘ Charter” which was last updated on May 31, 2024 and a “Board of Directors’ Charter” which was last updated on May 15, 2024.

Board of Commissioners Guidelines and Work of Conduct  1493 KB
Board of Directors Guidelines and Work of Conduct  1388 KB