Board of Commissioners
Fendi Santoso
President Commissioner

44 years old,
Indonesian citizen
Fendi Santoso was appointed as the President Commissioner of the Company based on the Extraordinary
General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) Deed of Resolution No. 66, dated December 22, 2022, and
reaffirmed by the Annual GMS Deed of Resolution No. 30, dated May 8, 2024.
Joined the Company in 2017 as Deputy CFO, subsequently undertaking the role of Director from 2018 to
2020, followed by Commissioner from 2020 to 2022, then President Commissioner since 2022. His private
equity and corporate experience includes 4 years as a Group Director at The Abraaj Group, overseeing
various investments in Southeast Asia, and 5 years as a Vice President at Northstar Group, a private equity
firm focused on Southeast Asian countries, where he was involved in several transactions in diverse
sectors, including consumer-facing businesses. Previously, he held several key positions in the Jardine
Group (2003-2008), including Astra International, Jardine Motors Group, Jardine Matheson, and Federal
International Finance. Currently, he also serves as Director of PT Multipolar Tbk (since 2020), and
Commissioner of PT Ciptadana Capital (since 2020), President Commissioner of PT Star Pacific Tbk (since
2022) and Director of PT Lenox Pasifik Investama Tbk (since 2022).
He graduated from Pelita Harapan University with a Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering in 2001.
Navin Chandra Nathani
Independent Commissioner

40 years old,
Indonesian citizen
Appointed as Independent Commissioner based on Deed of Extraordinary GMS Deed of Resolution No. 31
dated 11 March 2022 and reaffirmed based on Extraordinary GMS Deed of Resolution No. 30 dated May
8, 2024.
Has more than 15 years of experience in private equity and management consulting firms. Joined the
Company as an Independent Commissioner in 2022. Currently he serves as Executive Director at Falcon
House Partners (since July 2017), a private fund management company based in Singapore. Before joining
Falcon House Partners in 2006 he was Principal of Kearney, a global management company with offices
in more than 40 countries.
He received his Master in Business Administration (Honors), majoring in Private Equity & Venture Capital
from The Wharton School University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA in 2013 and Bachelor of Business
Administration (Honors), majoring in Finance from National University of Singapore in 2006.
John Riady

39 years old,
Indonesian citizen
Appointed as Commissioner based on the Annual GMS Deed of Resolution No. 52 dated 26 May 2015 and
reaffirmed based on Annual GMS Deed of Resolution No. 30 dated May 8, 2024.
He started his career as a Lecturer and Executive Dean of the School of Business, Law and Faculty of Social and
Political Sciences, Faculty of Law, Universitas Pelita Harapan (2012-present). He serves as Commissioner of PT
Matahari Department Store Tbk (2015-2020), President Commissioner of PT Siloam International Hospital Tbk
(2017-present) and Director of PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk (2019-present).
He obtained his bachelor's degree in Political Philosophy and Economics from Georgetown University, USA
in 2006 and completed his Master in Business Administration degree at The Wharton School of Business,
University of Pennsylvania, USA in 2008 and earned his Juris Doctor degree from Columbia Law School,
Columbia University, USA in 2011.
Johan Anthony

39 years old,
Indonesian citizen
Appointed as Commissioner based on the Annual GMS Deed of Resolution No. 30 dated May 8, 2024.
He started his career as a Business Consultant at Arthur Anderson (2000 - 2003) and Ernst & Young
(2003 - 2005) then expanded his role as Operation Director at PT Mentari Multimedia (2005 - 2011)
and Business Development Director at PT Domikado (2011 - 2013).
With more than 20 years of experience in numerous industries and concentration, he currently serving as
Deputy CEO (2013 - present) in Cinepolis Indonesia. Anthony also serves as a committee member in
Indonesia Shopping Centre Association (APPBI) since 2019 and currently acting as the Secretary General
He earned a bachelor degree in Finance from Seattle University in 1999 and took Global Management
Study at Harvard Business School in 2016.